Jon and Kate, Plus Millions of Female Tabloid Readers
"Jon and Kate, Plus Millions of Female Tabloid Readers"
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Posted by Courtney - June 29, 2009, at 03:22PM | in Media , Motherhood , Popular Culture , Relationships
(Especially if you're in my Gender & Pop Culture Course and SOCS brought you here!)
Even if you don't watch reality television, or television at all for that matter, you'd be hard-pressed to avoid the recent controversy over Kate and Jon Gosselin, and their eight children. The stars of the beloved reality spectacle, Jon and Kate, Plus Eight, are divorcing. Despite salacious rumors about infidelity, they claim that it is just a gradual growing apart and, they add, the media spotlight certainly did help matters. It's hard to feel much empathy for a couple complaining of overexposure when they signed the contract that would expose their entire family, eight little children included, to 24 hour cameras....
Click this post's title to read the entire piece on
Posted by Courtney - June 29, 2009, at 03:22PM | in Media , Motherhood , Popular Culture , Relationships
(Especially if you're in my Gender & Pop Culture Course and SOCS brought you here!)
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